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I only need a few minutes without having to be anything to be me again.

Between 3 and 8 minutes is the time you will have to wait to discover the magic of being you again. Awaken your senses every day of Advent with an exclusive infusion created for you, accompany it with a very special recipe and, above all, enjoy every day all the love deposited in a teabag. Awaken the Christmas spirit and experience unique and unrepeatable sensations!

GiveTEA: 24 aromas, 24 flavors... 24 unique moments and sensations before Christmas.

01 TÉ BESA. Rooibos mint chocolate. Rooibos, mint, cocoa and aromas.

02 TÉ EMBELLECE. Ginger lemon. Ginger, peppermint, licorice, lemon peel and good herb.

03 TÉ MIMA. Antiox. Basil, rooibos, ginger, bean peel, cardamom, aroma, cinnamon, cloves, pink pepper, black pepper and safflower flower.

04 TÉ SORPRENDE. Red fruits. Hibiscus, currants, blueberries, aroma grapes and elderberries.

05 TÉ SUAVIZA. Rooibos relax. Red tea, green tea, aroma, kiwi, strawberry and hibiscus.

06 TÉ INSPIRA. White tea, apple pear. White tea, apple pear and aroma.

07 TÉ LLEVA. Green tea with mint. Gunpowder green tea, peppermint and aroma.

08 TÉ ILUMINA. Red tea, strawberry and kiwi. Red tea, hibiscus flowers, green tea, strawberries, kiwi, apple and aroma.

09 TÉ REFRESCA. Peppermint. Mint 100%.

10 TÉ CONVIENE. Chamomile. Chamomile flowers.

11 TÉ APETECE. Digestive. Chamomile, mint, anise and fennel.

12 TÉ DESPIERTA. English breakfast. Black tea 100%.

13 TÉ CAUTIVA. Oolong tea. Blue oolong tea.

14 TÉ ENVUELVE. Early grey. Black tea with bergamot aroma.

15 TÉ DESCUBRE. Masala chai. Green tea, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, pepper, cloves and aroma.

16 TÉ ACARICIA. Green tea with jasmine. Green tea scented with jasmine flower.

17 TÉ CALMA. Lemongrass, apple and mint. Lemongrass, mint, apple pieces, chamomile flowers, mint leaves, strawberry leaves, fennel, linden flowers and marigold flowers.

18 TÉ FUNCIONA. Multivitamins. Basil, orange peel, candied pineapple (pineapple and sugar), apple, carrot flakes, rose hip peel, candied papaya (papaya and sugar), sea buckthorn berries, aroma and multivitamins.

19 TÉ RECUERDA. Ratafia. Star anise, cinnamon, fennel, cocoa, chamomile, licorice and aromas.

20 TÉ ABRAZA. Indian chai. Cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, clove buds and black pepper.

21 TÉ ANIMA. Green tea with ginseng. Green tea, lemon peel, licorice, ginseng and aroma.

22 TÉ SEDUCE. Tea with chocolate. Black tea, cocoa, coconut, macadamia nut (macadamia nut and sugar) and aroma.

23 TÉ ATRAE. Moringa, matcha and mango. Apple, blackberry, lemongrass, nettle, sea buckthorn, moringa, sage, natural aromas, mango, chamomile, cornflower, matcha and natural aromas.

24 TÉ SUGIERE. Cinnamon licorice. Orange peel, cinnamon, licorice, lemon peel and black pepper.